Why Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Risk Increases During Pregnancy Pregnancy brings many unexpected surprises. It is difficult for physicians to communicate all potentially related conditions that may occur and how they... read more →
Read some of the newest findings in hand, wrist and elbow treatment. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS) - Orthobuzz reports on five of the most compelling findings... read more →
Postmenopausal women who sustain any type of initial fracture are at a higher risk for a subsequent fracture, according to a study published in EClinicalMedicine. "We need to change our... read more →
For young athletes, sports activities are more than play. Participation in athletics improves physical fitness, coordination, and self-discipline, and gives children valuable opportunities to learn teamwork. Because young athletes are... read more →
Osteoporosis is often asymptomatic and frequently manifests as a fracture due to low-energy trauma. Distal radius (DR) fractures are the second most common fracture in the elderly and account for... read more →
Sixty-nine-year-old Mark Eisen says he waited seven years for a surgery he hopes will change his life. Last week, he had the first total wrist replacement with KinematX™, a new... read more →
Avoiding Possible Pitfalls as Upcoming Bike MS 150 Takes Cyclists of Varied Skill Levels on Two-Day Trek Across Texas The 2021 Bike MS 150, previously the BP MS 150, is... read more →
Active, percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation reduced pain scores and opioid requirements without side effects during the first 7 days after ambulatory orthopedic surgery, according to published results. Source: Helio Orthopedic... read more →
(Featured in a recent issue of the Journal of Hand Surgery.) Raynaud phenomenon (RP) is a condition causing vasospasm in the fingers and toes of patients that can have a... read more →
(As a follow up to an earlier blog on the subject) A recent article spotlighting research in the UK discusses the ongoing debate over Vitamin D as a preventative measure... read more →